eBooks & Downloads
Actionable anti-fatigue mat resources to help you improve health, safety and productivity.
In this page, you’ll find our library of freely downloadable and printable content developed to help you tackle an assortment of anti-fatigue mat and ergonomic challenges.

4 Ways Custom Anti-Fatigue Mats Reduce Workplace Injuries
Custom anti-fatigue mats have transformed workplace safety. From eliminating trip hazards to increasing spatial awareness, in this eBook, we explore 4 definitive ways custom mats reduce workplace injuries.

10 Signs You Need New Anti-Fatigue Mats in 2025
Stacking, sliding, sinking and beyond. Here are 10 clear signs your anti-fatigue mats – and especially your people – are in need of a reset. Whether looking to start fresh or create a baseline for mat inspection, this eBook paired with our Inspection Checklist can kickstart your efforts.

7 Common Anti-Fatigue Mat Safety Hazards
Anti-fatigue mats are designed to prevent injury. Too often they cause them. This eBook looks closely at 7 common anti-fatigue mat safety hazards to make sure yours don't fall into this camp.

5 Ways to Stop Your Anti-Fatigue Mats from Sliding
1 in 5 safety and production leaders are dealing with sliding anti-fatigue mats – including the slip and fall risks that follow. In this eBook, find 5 proven ways to make sure your mats remain firmly in place.

5 Ways to Prevent Anti-Fatigue Mat Curling
Putting an end to curling anti-fatigue mat edges is an immediate way to reduce slips, trips and falls – the No. 1 preventable workplace injury. This eBook highlights 5 ways to stop your mats from curling.

The 100% Nitrile Difference
The majority of foam anti-fatigue mats are made from PVC foam or PVC/nitrile foam blends. At AcroMat, we make our mats from 100% nitrile rubber foam, which means at least twice the life expectancy. But what sets 100% nitrile apart? Uncover the 100% nitrile difference in this comparison breakdown.

Anti-Fatigue Mat Inspection Checklist
Carefully evaluate your mats and know exactly what to look for with our printable Mat Inspection Checklist. Simply write the name of the area, mark X's in each box you notice the listed issues, then add comments for further review and discussion.

Site Survey & Mat Measurements
Have you measured your areas and need to sketch your custom mats? Use our printable Site Survey. Once you have your drawings, bring them to AcroSketch or email our team and we'll design for you. This video highlights the simple process on-site at Red Wing Shoe Co.